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Free website templates V

Free Zen Cart template

The Zen Cart web site template is a specially designed template compatible with Zen Cart - open source solution for ecommerce.

Our Zen Cart templates are actually Zen Cart skins so you may switch between them within a couple of minutes. The Zen Cart template package includes all the files necessary to install and edit the skin.

Have a look at our Zen Cart template sample.

Search Here For Zen Cart Web Templates

Free liquid template

These liquid templates are entirely flexible, filling the browser window as it expands or contracts.

With our stretched templates you do not need to worry if your visitors will see your whole site or just some part of it as a liquid template design changes in accordance with screen resolution of your visitors.

Search Here For Liquid Web Templates

Free WordPress Theme

A sample of WordPress theme is a design (skin, template) for one of the most popular blogging software nowadays. Try this sample and get back to us to purchase appealing designs from our WordPress collection.

Search Here For WordPress Themes

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