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Free Flash Web Site Intro

These templates are an effective flash intro presentation created to give customers an idea about your site and activities.

This is in fact an informative movie that will certainly impress the visitor and make your site more vivid and professional looking!

All flash web site intros come with source FLA files and are fully editable.

Search Here For Flash Web Site Intro Templates

Free SWiSH Animated Template

This template is partially developed in SWiSH. The animated part of the template can be easily edited with .swi files. Edited source files of SWiSH (.swi), have to be converted into .swf files later on though to make them available for most visitors. The rest of the template which is not animated goes with simple HTML.

SWiSH technology is very similar to Flash but it's easier to work with though the results are of the same quality.

Search Here For SWiSH Animated website templates

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